They Lead

Sports Performance Pioneer

Kathryn Maloney

Randy Behr is a renaissance man. 

A Navy veteran, journalist, and world-recognized expert with 30+ years in sports and fitness related to human performance, programming, training, teaching and coaching, and strategic event and facility management, Behr can just about do it all. But where did it all begin?

Behr pursued a career in the United States Military after college, mainly because he wanted to travel and see what the world had to offer. In addition, Behr was influenced by the veterans in his own family, including his dad who served as a Marine in the Vietnam War, and he also wanted to make enough money to be able to go to graduate school. When he ultimately joined the Navy, Behr knew it would be tough, especially for someone with a personality like his. 

“I'm very creative, innovative, and outside the box,” Behr said. “I'm extreme, extremely passionate, and nuanced in what I do before I jump into something.” 

During his time in the service, Behr began as an Ordnanceman; however, quickly realized he wanted to be a journalist and a broadcaster in the Public Affairs Office, which was something he expressed a desire to do upon entering the Navy, especially since he was an English major in college. Behr knew he wanted to continue his education beyond an undergraduate degree and went on to obtain his Masters in Education-Physical Education because he truly valued just that, education. 

Since then, Behr has continued to achieve goal after goal, eventually serving as the first and only Olympic track and field Performance Coach for the Korean Olympic team. Behr had known he’d wanted to be a coach since high school, but an injury in college forced him into somewhat of a coaching role. Behr even noted that “as I got older, it became very clear and I think I knew that I wanted to do it.” 

The road hasn’t always been easy and Behr faced many challenges being the first and only head Performance Coach for the Korean Olympic track and field team, including the language barrier. Korea and the U.S. also had very different coaching techniques and methodologies. It was a tough challenge for Behr, but definitely a rewarding one.

Behr also wanted to help change the culture of athletics and their regimens in Korea as they did not have the same strength and resilience that Western athletes had. Behr wanted to change that and began organizing clinics, almost like professional development for other coaches.

“I feel like if I could have had multiple years, we could have revolutionized that country,” Behr said. 

In addition to his coaching, Behr has worked for the Army, Navy, High Schools, Olympic Training Center, and Colleges. Currently, he serves as the Vice-Chief, Department of the Air Force-Sports, Fitness, World Class Athlete Program, and Esports.

“My vision is to take the Air Force to an elite industry-standard level in terms of the culture of fitness and sports,” Behr said.

Behr has done a lot in his life and will continue to do so. Being an athlete from a young age, Behr has always been motivated to get involved in sports. Through coaching and working with the Air Force, Behr is an inspiration. 

For more information on Behr, please see Behrsportsperformance.com and Behr Sports Performance on Facebook.

Photo(s) credit: Courtesy of Randy Behr