They Inspire

Video: Honor Cup – Honoring Fallen Soldiers

Mackenzie Meaney

The Honor Cup is one of the biggest American rugby tournaments that the country hosts. Made up of teams full of veterans, the goal is to commemorate their fallen brothers and sisters while meeting new people with similar military backgrounds.

“We put on the uniform, we put our country, our fellow Americans first,” said Jeff Nagel, a retired lieutenant colonel from the Marines, and a member of the Old Breed Rugby Football Club. “We need to keep this movement going so we will never forget. We played with them, now, we play for them.”

Another team, the Wandering Warriors, came together to support homeless veterans, citing close bonds and friendship as one of the biggest factors in shifting the homelessness statistics.

Even when not in season, the men and teams who play in the Honor Cup have each other’s backs, forever and always. As they play and raise money for veterans, they will continue to support each other, the memories, and the legacies of those who have served.